September 16


It’s all about the offer, not necessarily the price

If you have been in internet marketing for any amount of time you have probably heard that it is all about the offer when it comes to selling your own products online. But is it really?

I don’t know about you but I get tired of reading all of these ebook and internet courses that offer a great product and then go on to offer this killer book, and another great report and then this book and that book. I mean come on! I am all for a few good additional pieces of content thrown in but to drown customers in a dozen “freebies” gets real old, real quick.

I understand that competition is fierce and that a lot people feel the need to add on additional content. Well, if your original content does not stand on it’s own, is it really worth more to the customer to throw in a bunch of outdated, rewritten PLR materials or resale rights materials? Does anyone actually even read all of these “freebies” anyways? I know I never did.

Here is where I struggle. Some of the best selling books to ever be written are at my local bookstore. And guess what, I never paid $47 for a book there. Why should I pay that online? Don’t get me wrong, I believe in self publishing and I have an ebook of my own. that is exactly what got me thinking about this so much recently.

You see, my ebook is about a killer multi million dollar auction and ecommerce business that I built. I learned from one of the best in the industry, Jim Cockrum. Jim has a few of his own books too. His best selling ebay ebook, I am talking best selling of all-time, sells for under $25. Right now, mine is selling for $27. But I really struggle asking $27 for my book. I cannot shake a stick at the following Jim has built and even though I think that I have some killer content, and I believe that Jim would second that, how can I justify selling it for more than the best selling ebay ebook of all time?

Now, I do have a free report that includes some key information that I got from a course I paid a few thousand dollars for. Of course that report is of value and I think you should read it so I threw it in. But it is my report written to provide the customer value. It is not some rehashed private label rights or resale rights content that I snagged for a few bucks somewhere.

I may add an audio version to my book and then I may charge a few extra bucks or I may offer it as a separate product but I am offering great, original, unique stuff.

And don’t forget price, it in and of itself can be an incredible offer. And maybe that’s why Jim’s book sells so well. His reputation and good name sell the thing on it’s own. His proof and his price make it a good offer.

So, if you see my offers change from time to time, it’s merely because I am trying to see what the consumer thinks is most fair and what they gauge to be the best offer.

But, as a reader of my blog, I want to warn you. Buyer beware. Not every offer is what is seems to be.


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